Part of my life purpose involves being of service to others & assisting them in their own healing. But my heart has always led me to another aspect: the uncovering & retrieval of my unique Soul's medicine & gifts.
This has meant that I must focus on my own deep inner healing, requiring a dedication to my path that can be challenging at times.
I cannot put these gifts into words as I do not have any. I only have a deep inner knowing & profound feelings that describe the depth of power contained within the Soul. You have that power too, we all do, we've just been conditioned to forget it.
All I can say is that there is healing to offer the world that I will not find in more certifications but can only be discovered by continuing to open myself up to Source/God/Creator & my own Soul.
"Light Language" is an umbrella term to describe something indescribable.
It often includes unique hand movements, gestures or symbols that amplify the flow of high vibrational energies. Much like Reiki, these Divine energies are only of the highest intention.
Sometimes this technique is intuitively accompanied by vocal tones, spoken word or even melodious song. The purpose of these is not to be consciously understood but rather to impart light-filled frequencies that permeate the entire being to assist in ridding densities &
to fill the energy body with Divine light.
Reiki (ray-key) energy naturally calms the mind & heart. It restores balance & harmony in the energetic field which ripples out to affect the physical, mental & emotional bodies.
The purpose of reiki healing is to channel high vibrational, universal life-force energy or Qi into the entire being, bringing one into a peaceful state of mind, body & spirit.
(Although I do not practice traditional Reiki anymore, my techniques can be similar & contain the same pure intention.)
Despite their quiet & still nature, crystals hold unique & often potent vibrations or frequencies. This makes them wonderful healing tools! When used intentionally, crystals can shift & transform heavy energies, leaving the client in a peaceful state.
Crystal gridding is a great way to intensify crystal energy & set positive intentions. Before each session, I receive intuitive guidance for which crystals to use & create a personalized grid for my client.
We know that music can affect us deeply, but did you know that sound vibrations can cleanse & balance our energy bodies? For sound healing, I like to use singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks & even a hand drum if called to do so. Not only is this relaxing, but I use the vibrational frequencies in an intentional way to break apart any "stuck" energies within the aura & make way for more healing to enter.
These specialized tuning forks resonate specific sound frequencies into each individual energy center/chakra. They are great for sound healing as the vibration will actually “pull” densities out of the chakra, balancing any misalignments & bringing it into a healthy state of energetic flow.
Oracle cards are simply tools that help focus one's intuition. I like to use them to add a visual aspect to the intuitive information I receive. Not only do they help me in this way, but many clients love to see the cards as I share the deeper messages behind them.
Receiving a reading can be deeply healing as it often helps clarify the thoughts & feelings you've had lying beneath the surface. (In-person readings are available in Red Deer, AB or anywhere online.)
Curious about my full Intuitive Readings? Click here to learn more: